Stroke Rehabilitation
At Kinesix VR, we offer an innovative approach for patients recovering from a stroke (CVA) to regain movement and daily functions.
Our specialized exercises:
Improve trunk and limb control.
Activate the muscles.
Improve balance.
Kinesix Use Cases
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Kinesix VR provides patients with spinal cord injuries a series of exercises designed to support recovery by:
Strengthening the upper extremities.
Enhancing manual dexterity.
Improving trunk control and strength.
Brain Tumor Rehabilitation
Kinesix VR offers patients with brain tumors the opportunity to perform specific exercises to:
Maintain or improve mobility.
Increase strength.
Boost physical activity levels.
Neurodegeneration and Aging Rehabilitation
Kinesix VR provides patients with neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Neuromuscular Disorders with exercises to:
Slow down, maintain, or improve muscle activation and control.
Enhance mobility, balance, and coordination.
Increase physical activity levels.
Procedural Pain and Anxiety Rehabilitation
Kinesix VR offers patients suffering from pain and anxiety due to medical or rehabilitation procedures interactive exercises for:
Wound care.
Pre- and post-surgery.
Active movements, among others.
Chronic Pain Rehabilitation
Kinesix VR offers patients suffering from chronic pain due to amputation, cancer, burns, rheumatism, or abnormal pain the opportunity to engage in interactive exercises.
Distract and entertain users.
Help manage pain and kinesiophobia.
Improve muscle activation and control.
Enhance mobility, balance, and coordination.
Increase tolerance to physical activity.